Now, Mrs. McSorley had fine, hearty twins,
And two right little divils they were,
With their squallin' and bawlin' from morning till night,
It would deafen you, I do declare;
Be me soul 'twas a caution the way they could scream,
Like the blast of a fisherman's horn,
Says McSorley, not one blessed hour have I slept
Since them two little divils were born.
With the beer and the whiskey the whole blessed night,
Faith we scarcely could stand on their pins,
Such an elegant time at the christening we had
Of McSorley's most beautiful twins.
Says Mrs McSorley "A christening we'll have,
"For to give the two darlings a name."
"We will," said McSorley, "sure one they must get,
"Something grand, to be sure for the same."
For Godmothers Kate and Mag Murphy stood up,
And for Godfathers came the two Flynns;
Johanna Maria and Diagnacious O'Mara
Were the names that they christened the twins.
When the christenin' was over the company began
With good whiskey to fill up their skins,
And the neighbours came in just to wish a good luck
To McSorley's most beautiful twins.
When ould Mrs. Mullins had drank all the punch,
Faith her legs wouldn't howld her at all;
She fell flat on her stomach on top of the twins,
And they set up a murderin' squall.
Then Mrs. McSorley jumped up in a rage,
And she threatened Mrs. Mullins' life;
Says ould Denny Mullins, I'll bate the first man
That dare lay a hand on me wife;
The McCanns and the Geoghegans they had an ould grudge,
And Mag Murphy pitched into the Flynns;
They fought like the divil, turned over the bed,
And they smothered the poor little twins.