Mise Raifteirí an file, lán dóchais is grá,
Le súile gan solas, le ciúnas gan chrá.
Ag dul síar ar m'aistear le solas mo chroí
Fann agus tuirseach go deireadh mo shlí
So let that be an end to the Bitter Wind
O the end of the winter.
I go all over Galway through village and town
I sing my old songs and I make an odd pound
Walking all winter through the worst of the snow
When the weather gets better I'll head for Mayo
So let that be an end to the Bitter Wind
O the end of the winter.
Mayo 's where I'm going soon as Spring comes around
I cant see a stem but I know by the sound
They'll be planting potatoes in the hard stony ground
And praying that there'll be enough to go around
So let that be an end to the Bitter Wind
O the end of the winter.
And now comes the Springtime - sung of before
I've been on my travels - I made up some more more
I was there last September back Annaghdown
When the boat bringing people to Galway went down
So let that be an end to the Bitter Wind
O the end of the winter.